Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Faculty Development Resources
The RefShare list includes references for books, journal articles, conference proceedings, websites, and more. References are arranged by category; the topics covered include:
· Academic Career Management
· Educational Research
· Gender and Cultural Issues
· Mentoring and Coaching
· Professionalism
· Teaching and Learning
…and many more!
RDRB holds more than 900 listings in the form of journal articles, books, conference proceedings, and reports as suggested and endorsed by staff from the Centre for Faculty Development. The content of the records focuses on many health education topics, including:
· administrative, management and organizational development
· academic career management
· gender and cultural issues
· communication skills
· mentoring and coaching
· professionalism
· teaching and learning - includes resources which relate to audiovisual techniques for teaching, evaluation of students and teaching, teaching skills and strategies, learning styles, and much more.
Check out these excellent resources today!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Medical Smart Technology
Smartphones in Medical Practice - which one to choose?
In the following article, authors emphasize the pros and cons of mobile technology and its operating systems in order to inform physicians of the choices before they decide to purchase any. Specifically, here the article reviews "6 currently available platforms that make up the smartphone devices".
AbstractMobile technology has the potential to revolutionize how physicians practice medicine. From having access to the latest medical research at the point of care to being able to communicate at a moment's notice with physicians and colleagues around the world, we are practicing medicine in a technological age. During recent years, many physicians have been simultaneously using a pager, cellular telephone, and personal digital assistant (PDA) to keep in communication with the hospital and to access medical information or calendar functions. Many physicians have begun replacing multiple devices with a "smartphone," which functions as a cellular telephone, pager, and PDA. The goal of this article is to provide an overview of the currently available platforms that make up the smartphone devices and the available medical software. Each platform has its unique advantages and disadvantages, and available software will vary by device and is in constant flux.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
New Additions in the DFCM Library



San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2004.
Colthart I, Bagnall G, Evans A, Allbutt H, Haig A,Illing J, McKinstry B. The effectiveness of self-assessment on the identification of learner needs, learner activity, and impact on clinical practice: BEME Guide no. 10 [Journal article: Medical Teacher 30(2),124-45]. Informa Healthcare, 2008.
Ellaway R, Masters K. AMEE Guide no. 32: E-learning in medical education - part 1: learning, teaching and assessment [Journal article: Medical Teacher 30, 455-473].
Informa Healthcare, 2008.
Ellaway R, Masters K. AMEE Guide: E-learning in medical education: Guide 32 part 2: technology, management and design [Journal article: Medical Teacher 30, 474-489]. Informa Healthcare, 2008.
Ramani S, Leinster S. AMEE Guide no. 34: teaching in the clinical environment [Journal article: Medical Teacher 30, 347-364]. Informa Healthcare, 2008.
Pan American Health Organization. Renewing primary health care in the Americas: a position paper of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO). Washington: PAHO, 2007.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
How Physicians Learn

The following are "stages of self-directed learning and principles for facilitating physician learning in formal continuing medical education" as pointed out by Moore in his chapter from the above publication. The author also draws attention to how medical professionals should address their continuing learning and as a result presents several principles to effective CME learning . Finally, he assesses effective CME activities.
Moore, DE. How physicians learn and how to design learning experiences for them: an approach based on an interpretive review of evidence.
In : Hager M, Russell S, Fletcher SW, editors. Continuing education in the health professions: improving healthcare through lifelong learning. Bermuda, New York: Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation; 2008. p. 30-62
Stages of learning
1. Recognizing an opportunity for learning
2. Searching for resources for learning
3. Engaging in learning
4. Trying out what was learned
5. Incorporating what was learned
Principles for effective learning in Continuing Medical Education
1. Planners of formal CME should consider physicians' stages of learning
2. Formal CME should focus on clinical problems
3. Formal CME activities should be organized to provide opportunities to obtain knowledge and develop skills
4. Formal CME activities should provide opportunities for learning
5. Effective CME activities are more likely to consist of multiple educational activities that are organized according to a plan
6. Learning is enhanced if content is organized in small units
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
New Books in DFCM Library


Thursday, May 29, 2008
2 Good Articles for Clinical Teachers
What Makes a Good Clinical Teacher in Medicine?
The full text of this article is available in the Academic Medicine Journal, which is held in our Library and accessible via UT e-resources.
Sutkin G, Wagner E, Harris I, Schiffer R.
What makes a good clinical teacher in medicine? A review of the literature.
Acad.Med. 2008 May;83(5):452-466
Tips for Clinical Teachers to Improving Time Efficiency When Both Teaching and Caring for Patients.
Irby DM, Wilkerson L. Teaching when time is limited.
BMJ 2008 March; 336(7640):384-387
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
New Global Health Resource Wiki
Please contact the following librarians for further information, such as to obtain more information, to comment or pass on suggestions for content, or to request a User ID to add resources and content, please contact one of these McGill librarians:
Eamon Duffy Government Information Service
Louisa Piatti Nahum Gelber Law Library
Jim Henderson Life Sciences Library
Deborah Meert Macdonald Campus Library
Thursday, May 8, 2008
New Books in DFCM Library

Holmboe Eric S., Hawkins Richard E. (Ed.). Practical guide to the evaluation of clinical competence with bonus DVD [DVD]. Philadelphia : Mosby Elsevier, 2008. [Class: EVALUATION]



Thursday, May 1, 2008
New Books in DFCM Library

The Resilient Physician: Effective emotional management for doctors and their medical organizations.
USA : American Medical Association, 2002.
Creating a mentoring culture :the organization's guide.
San Franciso : Joseey-Bass, 2005.

My different life : an intimate portrait of a family living with learning disabilities [DVD]. United Kingdom : Workshop Productions, 2007.

Odd kid out [DVD].
United Kingdom : Workshop Productions, 2002.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Curriculum Development Bibliography
De Angelis, Catherine D. The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine curriculum for the twenty-first century. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. – held at Gerstein Library
Dent JA, Harden RM. Practical guide for medical teachers. Toronto ON: Harcourt Publishers Ltd, 2001.
Chapters by Harden RM. Planning a Curriculum & the Core Curriculum; Crosby JR. Curriculum goals.
Deutch SL, Noble J. Community-based teaching: A guide to developing education programs for medical students and residents in the practitioner's office. Philadelphia: American College of Physicians, 1997.
Chapter by Girard D & Deutch SL. Curriculum Development.
Diamond RM. Designing and assessing courses and curricula: A practical guide. San Francisco CA: Jossey-Bass, 1998.
Ende J [et al.], editors. Graduate education in internal medicine: a resource guide to curriculum development / the report of the Federated Council for Internal Medicine, Task Force on the Internal Medicine Residency Curriculum. Philadelphia, PA: American College of Physicians, c1997. - held at Gerstein Library
Fisher LA, Levene C. Planning a professional curriculum: a guide to understanding programme design. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, c1989. - held at Gerstein Library
Golden A, Carlson D, Hagen J. Art of teaching primary care. Springer, 1982.
Chapter by Golden, A.S.: A Model for Curriculum Development Linking Curriculum with Health Needs
Harden, R.M. AMEE guide no. 21: Curriculum mapping: a tool for transparent and authentic teaching and learning. Medical Teacher, 23(1), 2001.
Havelock P, Hasler J, Flew R, McIntyre D, et al. Professional education for general practice. Oxford U Press, 1995.
Chapter 4 – Constructing a Curriculum.
Kern DE, Thomas PA, Howard DM, Bass EB. Curriculum development for medical education: A six-step approach. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998.
McGaghie WC, Frey JJ. Handbook for the academic physician. Springer Verlag, 1986.
Chapter by Friedman CP & Baker R. An Experience in Curriculum Development
Mohanna Kay, Wall David, Chambers Ruth. Teaching made easy: A manual for health professionals, 2nd ed. Radcliffe Medical Press, 2004. Chapter 5 – Curriculum Development
Oliver, R., Kersten, H., Vinkka-Puhakka, H., Alpasan, G., Bearn, D., & Cema, I., et al. (2008). Curriculum structure: Principles and strategy. European Journal of Dental Education, 12 (Suppl. 1), 74-84.
Tosteson Daniel C, Adelstein S. James, Carver Susan T. New pathways to medical education: Learning to learn at Harvard medical School. Cambridge, MA: Harvard U Press, 1994.
Chap. 5 –Curriculum design – pg. 48.
Wolf, P., Christensen Hughes, J., eds. (2007). Curriculum development in higher education: Faculty-driven processes and practices. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Creating Effective Poster Presentations :: An Effective Poster
Excellent resource for all phases of poster creation and presentation, includes a useful, step-by-step guide on how to use PowerPoint to create a poster.
Randy Pausch on Time Management - lecture delivered in Nov. 2007
"More than 6 million people have viewed Carnegie Mellon computer science professor Randy Pausch's "How to Achieve Your Childhood Dreams" on YouTube . In his lecture, the terminally-ill 47-year old Carnegie Mellon professor provides realistic advice on how you can live your life so that you can make your childhood dreams come true. Equally compelling is Pausch's lecture on "Time Management" -- an entertaining, empowering, and poignant "how-to" that distills the best of Covey, Allen and others into a plan that anyone can follow."
"Time Management" - lecture/video
Full video version
Podcast version (download to your favorite MP3 player)
Kendal, Sandra. Evidence-based resources simplified. Can Fam Physician Vol. 54, No. 2, Feb 2008, pp.241 - 243 .
The algorithm or EBM decision tool described helps clinicians find and choose the best resources to answer clinical questions. Resources are categorized into 4 "tiers" or levels of evidence with Tier 1 listing the resources with the highest level of filtered evidence such as BMJ Clinical Evidence and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Tiers 2 and 3 list resources in descending order of filtered evidence with Tier 4 listing unfiltered resources such as Medline and Embase. This EBM algorithm helps to make sense of the various tools and resources and reduces search time for both the student and the clinician.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
February 2008 - New Books in DFCM Library

Look inside
Schwarz Roger, Davidson Anne, Carlson Peg, McKinney Sue, The skilled facilitator fieldbook : tips, tools, and tested methods for consultants, facilitators, managers, trainers, and coaches.
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Lindstrand A., Bergström S., Rosling H., Rubenson B., Stenson B., Tylleskär. T. Global health : An introductory textbook.
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Friday, February 15, 2008
March 2008 - New Books in DFCM Library

Look inside

Freeth Della. Interprofessional education. ASME, 2007.
White Casey B., Gruppen Larry D.. Self-regulated learning in medical education. ASME, 2007. [Class: EDUCATION]
Wall David. Evaluation: improving practice, inlfuencing policy. ASME, 2007. [Class: EVALUATION] Look inside

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Sinclair Lynne, Barker Keegan, Moaveni Azadeh. Student Experiences in Interprofessional Education [DVD 1]. Toronto: University of Toronto (Office of Interprofessional Education), 2007. [Class: EDUCATION]
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Wren, John. How to monitor for population health outcomes: guidelines for developing a monitoring framework. Wellington, New Zealand : Ministry of Health, 2007.
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