Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Exciting New Resource

Find the Answers - videos on time - saving tools for medical questions

A series of YouTube videos on finding clinical information using library search tools has just been created by the University of Toronto, Gerstein Library.  These short videos, ranging in length from 3 to 10 minutes, are informative and easy to understand.  Although they are directed toward medical students, any health professional, resident or faculty will find these useful.

    * Need an answer to a specific clinical problem?
"Find the Answers to PBL Scenarios", a 5-part series, provides information on searching specialized search tools such as PubMed Clinical Queries and distilled or point-of-care resources that are evidence-based.

    * Need to do a comprehensive search?
"Find the Answers to Research Questions" provides an organized and systematic approach to doing a comprehensive search. 

Other videos include Uploading Citations to RefWorks, Find Articles from Web of Science, and Finding Fulltext Articles from a Citation.

To easily find all 18 videos, go to the YouTube website - www.youtube.com.  Enter "gerstein library find the asnwers" in the search box. After clicking on "Find the answers" in the results, note the link to "gersteinlibrary 18 videos".

Friday, October 29, 2010

Armstrong Pat, Armstrong Hugh. Wasting away: the undermining of Canadian health care. 2nd ed.. Toronto: OUP, 2003. [Class: HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS - CANADA]
Look inside

Cleveland-Innes M.F. and Garrison D.R. (Eds.). An introduction to distance education: understanding teaching and learning in a new era. New York: Routledge, 2010.

Look inside


Coffield Frank, Moseley David, Hall Elaine, Ecclestone Kathryn. Learning styles and pedagogy in post-16 learning: a systematic and critical review. London: Learning and Skills Research Centre, 2004.
Look inside

Kaplan-Myrth Nili, Hanson Lori, Thille Patricia (Eds.). Women who care: women's stories of health care and caring. East Lawrencetown: Pottersfield Press, 2010.
Look inside


Swanwick Tim (Ed.). Understanding medical education: evidence, theory and practice. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
Look inside 

  • Amee Guides:
Edmunds Sarah and Brown George. AMEE Guide no. 48: effective small group learning [Journal article: Medical Teacher, 2010; 32:715-726]. London: Informa Healthcare, 2010.

Look inside

Pell Godfrey, Fuller Richard, Homer Matthew, Roberts Trudie. AMEE Guide no. 49: how to measure the quality of the OSCE: a review of metrics [Journal article: Medical Teacher, 2010; 32:802-811]. London: Informa Healthcare, 2010.
Look inside

  • Twelve Tips:
Egan-Lee Eileen, Freitag Sharon, Leblanc Vicki, Baker Lindsay and Reeves Scott. Twelve tips for ethical approval for research in health professions education [Journal article: Medical Teacher, 2010; 1-5]. London: Informa Healthcare, 2010.
Look inside

Friday, September 3, 2010


UpToDate is now available via UT e-resources!!
The popular clinical information resource has just been acquired by UT library and can be accessed via the library web page, http://www.library.utoronto.ca/gerstein/ - click on UpToDate under the listing of Major Resources in the leftmost frame.

A UTORid and password is required for both on and off campus locations.


Bender Peter Urs. Secrets of power presentations : focusing on effective, dynamic and impressive business presentations. 7th ed.. Toronto Ont. : The Achievement Group, 1991.[Class: WRITING / PUBLISHING] Look inside.


Bluteau Patricia and Jackson Ann (Eds.). Interprofessional education: making it happen. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2009. [Class: EDUCATION - INTERPROFESSIONAL] 

Brimacombe Glenn…[et al.]. Three missions, one future…optimizing the performance of Canada's academic health sciences centres. Ottawa Ont. : National Task Force, 2010.

Jakson Lewis, Caffarell Rosemary S. (Eds.). Experiential learning: a new approach. (New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education ; no. 62). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1994. [Class: EDUCATION - CONTINUING] 
Look inside

Kustra Erika D.H., Potter Michael K.. Leading effective discussions. (Green Guide ; no. 9). London Ont. : Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2008.

Look inside  

Herteis Eileen M. and Simmons Nicola. The portfolio process. (Green Guide ; no. 10). London Ont. : Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2010.  

Guo Shibao, Jamal Zenobia. Cultural diversity and inclusive teaching.(Green Guide ; no. 8). London Ont. : Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2007.

Kidd J.R.. How adults learn. Prentice Hall Regents, 1978.

Wenger Etienne, McDermott Richard, Snyder William M.. Cultivating communities of practice : a guide to managing knowledge. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2002.

Look inside

Wright W. Allan, Wilson Margaret, MacIsaac Dawn (Eds.). Celt : Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching ; v.3 [DVD]. Hamilton Ont. :STLHE Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2010. [Class: EDUCATION]
Look inside 

Thursday, June 3, 2010

New Books in the DFCM Library

Brown G, Atkins M. Effective teaching in higher education. London: Methuen, 1987.
Look inside

Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine. Crossing the quality chasm: a new health system for the 21st century. Washington: National Academy Press, 2001. [Class: HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS]
Look inside

Cox MD, Richlin L (Eds.). Building faculty learning communities [New directions for Teaching and Learning (no.97) journal]. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2004.
Look inside

Gappa JM, Austin AE, Trice AG. Rethinking faculty work: higher education's strategic imperative. San Francisco CA: Jossey -Bass, 2007.
Look inside

Hacker D. A Canadian writer's reference. 4th ed.. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2009.  Includes a special section for English as second language.
Look inside

Hays R, Southgate DL and Paice E (forewords). Teaching and learning in clinical settings. Oxon: Radcliffe Publishings Ltd, 2006.
look inside

McFarlane JA, Clements W. Canada's national newspaper the Globe and Mail style book: a guide to language and usage. Toronto: The Canadian Publishers, 2003.
Look inside

Mikkonen J, Raphael D. Social determinants of health: the Canadian facts. Toronto: York University School of Health Policy and Management, 2010.
"The primary factors that shape the health of Canadians are not medical treatments or lifestyle choices but rather the living conditions they experience."
Full text on the web

 Reed P. Triage: Dr. James Orbinski's humanitarian dilemma [DVD]. Toronto: Becoming Human Pictures Inc., 2007.

Look inside

Wenger E. Communities of practice: learning, meaning, and identity. New York: CUP, 1998.
Look inside 

Journal articles of interest
Cook DA. Twelve tips for evaluating educational programs. Medical Teacher 2010;32(4):296-301


Maley M, Worley P, Dent J. Using rural and remote settings in the undergraduate medical curriculum: AMEE Guide no. 47. Medical Teacher 2009 Sep;31(9):969-983


Friday, April 30, 2010

New Books in DFCM Library

Anti-infective Review Panel. Anti-infective guidelines for community-acquired infections: peer-reviewed, evidence-based, user-friendly. Toronto: MUMS Guideline Clearinghouse, 2010.
Look inside

Diamond RM, Bronwyn A (Eds.). Field guide to academic leadership. 1st ed.. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002. [Class: EDUCATION - FACULTY DEVELOPMENT - LEADERSHIP] Look inside

Laine C, LaCombe MA (Ed.). On being a doctor 3. Philadelphia: American College of Physicians, 2007. [Class: PHYSICIANS]
Look inside

Wergin JF (Ed.). Leadership in place : how academic professionals can find their leadership voice. 1st ed. San Francisco: Anker Publishing Company, Inc., 2007.
Look inside

Zachary LJ, Fischler LA. The mentee's guide: making mentoring work for you. 1st ed.. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2009. [Class: EDUCATION - FACULTY DEVELOPMENT - MENTORING]
Look inside

Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada. The future of medical education in Canada (FMEC): a collective vision for MD education. Ottawa: AFMC, 2009.
[Class: EDUCATION] Look inside
The 10 FMEC recommendations are:
1. Address Individual and Community Needs
2. Enhance Admissions Processes
3. Build on the Scientific Basis of Medicine
4. Promote Prevention and Public Health
5. Address the Hidden Curriculum
6. Diversify Learning Contexts
7. Value Generalism
8. Advance Inter- and Intra-Professional Practice
9. Adopt a Competency-Based and Flexible Approach
10. Foster Medical Leadership

We would also like to draw your attention to the
Canadian Medical Education Journal, which is a good source of the scientific and scholarly work in the medical education.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Books in DFCM Library

Centre for Faculty Development. Annual report 2008/09. Toronto ON: Centre for Faculty Development, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, 2009.
[Class: REPORTS - CFD]


Manuel DG, Creatore MI, Rosella LCA, Henry DA. What does it take to make a healthy province? a benchmark study of jurisdictions in Canada and around the world with the highest levels of health and the best health behaviours - investigative report. Toronto ON: Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES), 2009.


Cleland JA, Abe K, Rethans JJ. AMEE Guide no. 42: The use of simulated patients in medical education [Journal article: Medical Teacher, 2009 Jul ;31(6):477-86]. Informa Healthcare, 2009.
[Class: TEACHING] Abstract

Van Tartwijk J, Driessen EW. AMEE Guide no. 45: Portfolios for assessment and learning [Journal article: Medical Teacher, 2009 Sep;31(9):790-801. Informa Healthcare, 2009.
[Class: TEACHING] Abstract

Societal Needs Working Group, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC). Skills for the new millennium: report of the Societal Needs Working Group - CanMEDS 2000 Project. Ottawa ON: Royal Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC), 1996.


Friday, January 22, 2010

New Books in DFCM Library

Carruthers C (Ed.). Lessons learned: reflections of Canadian physician leaders. Ottawa ON: Canadian Medical Association (CMA), Canadian Society of Physician Executives (CSPE), 2009.

Book review

Lipsenthal L. Finding balance in a medical life: reclaiming your life while serving others. San Anselmo CA: Finding Balance, Inc., 2007.


Friday, January 8, 2010

New Books in DFCM Library

Dishion TJ, Patterson SG. Preventive parenting with love encouragement , and limits: the preschool years. Eugene OR: Castalia Publishing Co., 1996.

Chandramohan B, Fallows S (Eds.). Interdisciplinary learning and teaching in higher education: theory and practice. New York NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2009.
[Class: education - interprofessional]

Look inside

Goldman LS, Myers M, Dickstein LJ (Eds.). Handbook of physician health (The): the essential guide to understanding the health care needs of physicians. Chicago IL: American Medical Association (AMA), 2000.

Overview & Features

Dent JA, Harden RM. Practical guide for medical teachers (A). 3rd. ed. Edinburgh, Toronto: Elsevier Limited, Churchill Livingstone, 2009.

Look inside

Gray JAM. Evidence-based healthcare and public health : how to make decisions about health services and public health. 3rd ed. Toronto ON: Elsevier Limited, Churchill Livingstone, 2009.

Look inside

Department of Family & Community Medicine (DFCM). Growth. Innovation, Excellence: 2007-2009 - report from the Department of Family and Community Medicine (copy 1). Toronto ON: Department of Family & Community Medicine (DFCM), 2009.


Instituto Materno Infantil, Figueira F. Revista Brasileira de saude materno infantil / Brazilian journal of mother and child health, vol 7, no 1, Nov 2007. Boa Vista Recife, Brazil: Instituto Materno Infantil, Figueira F, 2007.