Carruthers C (Ed.). Lessons learned: reflections of Canadian physician leaders. Ottawa ON: Canadian Medical Association (CMA), Canadian Society of Physician Executives (CSPE), 2009. [Class: EDUCATION - FACULTY DEVELOPMENT - LEADERSHIP] Book review
Lipsenthal L. Finding balance in a medical life: reclaiming your life while serving others. San Anselmo CA: Finding Balance, Inc., 2007. [Class: PHYSICIANS]
Dishion TJ, Patterson SG. Preventive parenting with love encouragement , and limits: the preschool years. Eugene OR: Castalia Publishing Co., 1996. [Class: FAMILY / COUNSELING]
Chandramohan B, Fallows S (Eds.). Interdisciplinary learning and teaching in higher education: theory and practice. New York NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2009. [Class: education - interprofessional] Look inside
Goldman LS, Myers M, Dickstein LJ (Eds.). Handbook of physician health (The): the essential guide to understanding the health care needs of physicians. Chicago IL: American Medical Association (AMA), 2000. [Class: PHYSICIANS]
Gray JAM. Evidence-based healthcare and public health : how to make decisions about health services and public health. 3rd ed. Toronto ON: Elsevier Limited, Churchill Livingstone, 2009. [Class: FAMILY PRACTICE - EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE]
Department of Family & Community Medicine (DFCM). Growth. Innovation, Excellence: 2007-2009 - report from the Department of Family and Community Medicine (copy 1). Toronto ON: Department of Family & Community Medicine (DFCM), 2009. [Class: REPORTS - DFCM]
Instituto Materno Infantil, Figueira F. Revista Brasileira de saude materno infantil / Brazilian journal of mother and child health, vol 7, no 1, Nov 2007. Boa Vista Recife, Brazil: Instituto Materno Infantil, Figueira F, 2007. [Class: INTERNATIONAL HEALTH]