Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Announcement: DFCM's own Dr. Vincent Lam will be the guest speaker at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Information Studies upcoming Tea on Wednesday, March 7, 2007. Dr. Lam's novel, Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures (winner of the 2006 Giller Prize), was chosen as the latest FIS Reads Fiction book club selection.
The Tea takes place 4:00pm - 5:00pm, Room 728, Bissell Building, 140 St. George Street.
New Books January - February 2007:

Botelho Rick. Motivational practice: promoting healthy habits and self-care of chronic diseases. 2nd ed. S.l: MHH Publications, 2004.[Class: PHYSICIAN-PATIENT RELATIONS] Look Inside

Exley Kate, Dennick Reg. Small group teaching: tutorials, seminars and beyond. London: RoutledgeFalmer, 2005. [Class: TEACHING] Look Inside

Finkel Donald L. Teaching with your mouth shut. Portsmouth, NH: Boyton/Cook, 2000. [Class: TEACHING] Look Inside

Goodman Neville W, Edwards Martin B, Black Andy. Medical writing: A prescription for clarity. 3rd ed.. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006.[Class: WRITING / SPEAKING] Look Inside

Greenhalgh Trisha. How to read a paper: the basics of evidence-based medicine. 3rd ed. Malden, Mass: Blackwell Publishing, 2006.[Class: FAMILY PRACTICE - EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE] Look Inside

Katerndahl David A. Directing research in primary care. Oxon, UK: Radcliffe Publishing, 2006. [Class: RESEARCH] Blurb

Saltman Richard B, Rico Ana, Boerma Wienke. Primary care in the driver's seat?: Organizational reform in European primary care. Berkshire, England: Open University Press, 2006. [Class: HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS] PDF

Steinert Yvonne, et al. BEME Guide No. 8: Systematic review of faculty development initiatives designed to improve teaching effectiveness in medical education [Journal article], 2006. [Class: EDUCATION - FACULTY DEVELOPMENT] Abstract

Taylor Robert B. Academic medicine: a guide for clinicians. New York: Springer, 2006. [Class: EDUCATION - FACULTY DEVELOPMENT] Look Inside

Whitman Neal, Weiss Elaine. Executive skills for medical faculty. 3rd ed.. Pacific Grove, Calif: Whitman Associates, 2006.[Class: EDUCATION - FACULTY DEVELOPMENT] Blurb (Scroll down page)

Whitman Neal A, Schwenk Thomas L. Handbook for group discussion leaders (A): alternatives to lecturing medical students to death. 2nd ed. Salt Lake City, Ut: University of Utah School of Medicine, 1999.[Class: EDUCATION - FACULTY DEVELOPMENT] Blurb (Scroll down page)

Whitman Neal A. There is no gene for good teaching: A handbook on lecturing for medical teachers. 2nd ed. Salt Lake City, Ut: University of Utah School of Medicine, 1999.[Class: EDUCATION - FACULTY DEVELOPMENT] Blurb (Scroll down page)

Whitman Neal A, Schwenk Thomas L. Residents as teachers: A guide to educational practice. 3rd ed. Pacific Grove, Calif: Whitman Associates, 2005.[Class: EDUCATION - FACULTY DEVELOPMENT] Blurb (Scroll down page)

Wiley Ashley, McCormick Ashley. 8,000 miles later: family medicine for the Trans-Canadian: a documentary by Ashley Wiley and Ashley McCormick. [DVD]. Mississauga, Ont: College of Family Physicians of Canada, 2006. [Class: PHYSICIANS]

2 new copies!

Whitman NA, Schwenk TL. Physician as teacher (The). 2nd. Ed. Utah: Whitman Associates, 1997.[Class: TEACHING] Blurb (Scroll down page)
AMEE Medical Education Guides:

Crosby J. AMEE Medical Education Guide No. 8: Learning in small groups [Journal article: Medical Education 18(3), 189-202]. Taylor & Francis Ltd, 1996. [Class: TEACHING] Extended Summary

Harden RM, Crosby JR, Davis H. AMEE Medical Education Guide No. 14: Outcome-based education: Part 1 - 5 [Journal article: Medical Education 21(1), 7-31; 21(6), 546-552]. Taylor & Francis Ltd, 1999. [Class: EDUCATION] Abstract Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5

Harden RM, Crosby J. AMEE Medical Education Guide No. 20: The good teacher is more than a lecturer - the twelve roles of the teacher [Journal article: Medical Education 22(4), 334-347]. Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2000. [Class: TEACHING] Abstract

Brown George, Manogue Michael. AMEE Medical Education Guide No. 22: Refreshing lecturing: a guide for lecturers [Journal article: Medical Education 23(3), 231-244]. Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2001. [Class: TEACHING] Abstract

Shumway JM, Harden RM. AMEE Medical Education Guide No. 25: The assessment of learning outcomes for the competent and reflective physician [Journal article: Medical Education 25(6), 569-584]. Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2003. [Class: EVALUATION] Abstract

Dent JA. AMEE Medical Education Guide No. 26: clinical teaching in ambulatory care settings: making the most of learning opportunities with outpatients [Journal article: Medical Education 27(4), 302-15]. Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2005. [Class: TEACHING] Abstract
Revamped CD-ROM collection (now interfiled on main shelves):

American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. Journal of Marital & Family Therapy (1975-2004) [CD-ROM]. Alexandria, VA: American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, 1975. [JOURNALS]

Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto. Designing and implementing an OSCE: Everything you need to know: A guide for medical educators [CD-ROM]. Toronto: Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto, 2005. [Class: EVALUATION]

Haynes RB, Sackett DL, Guyett GH, Tugwell P. Clinical epidemiology: How to do clinical practice research. 3rd ed. [CD-ROM]. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006. [Class: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY - EPIDEMIOLOGY]

Jones Roger, Britten Nicky, Culpepper Larry, Gass David, Grol Richard, Mant David, Silagy Chris (editors). Oxford textbook of primary medical care -- Volume 1: Principles and concepts; Volume 2: Clinical management [CD-ROM]. New York NY: Oxford University Press, 2004. [Class: FAMILY PRACTICE - GENERAL TEXTS]

Rosser Walter W, Slawson David C, Shaughnessy Allen F. Information mastery: Evidence-based family medicine. 2nd edition. [CD-ROM]. Hamilton ON: BC Decker Inc, 2004.[Class: FAMILY PRACTICE - EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE]

Sackett DL, Straus SE, Richardson WS, Rosenberg W, Haynes RB. Evidence-based medicine: How to practice and teach EBM. 2nd ed. [CD-ROM]. New York NY: Churchill Livingstone, 2000. [Class: FAMILY PRACTICE - EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE]
New Books 2006

Barr H, Koppel I, Reeves S, Hammick M, Freeth D. Effective interprofessional education: argument, assumption and evidence. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005. [Class: EDUCATION]
Closer Look / Publisher's Information

Freeth D, Hammick M, Reeves S, Koppel I, Barr H. Effective interprofessional education: development, delivery and evaluation. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005. [Class: EDUCATION]
Look Inside / Publisher's Information